Sunday, November 23, 2014

Post to your blogs  3 YouTube videos demonstrating 3 different motor skills involved in volleyball

For each skill identify and list the various parts that make up the skill. Then list some of the key cues that would help you as a learner to master that particular skill. (If you choose a good video it will give you the parts & cues)

Your Post should look like this :

Video of How to Set a Ball
Parts of setting a ball:
-Positioning underneath the ball
-Hands in the shape of a ball
-Set the ball above your forehead
-Flick your wrist, until you look like Superman

Video of How to spike a ball
Parts of spiking a ball:
-Four step run-up
-Swing arms up on last 2 steps
-Make bow and arrow with arms
-hit the ball

Video of How to bump or pass
Parts of passing a ball
-Have a ready position
-Put hands together
-Keep arms straight
-Face where the ball is coming from
-Angle your arms
-Drop shoulder and put weight and foot towards the ball

Follow up tasks next practical session will be to create a video of yourself performing the same skills working with a group of 5 people.

Technology Day-Motor Skills

Technology - S1Q23- Blocks E & G (Nov 24)

Video of Todays Lesson (Open before reading todays lesson)

Learning intentions for today:

What technology tools can we use to complete these tasks ?
-We can watch YouTube tutorial videos to learn how to perform different skills.

Post to your Blog:

What are motor skills & what is meant by motor skill learning?
A motor skill is a function, which involves the precise movement of muscles with the intent to perform a specific act.
Motor skill learning is learning how to perform different motor skills.
Motor skills and Motor skill learning
How do we classify motor skills?
There are 3 factors that affect how we classify motor skills:
  • how precise a movement is
  • whether the movement has a definite beginning and end
  • whether the environment affects the performance of the skill
  • Classifying motor skills
What is meant by in a close or open situation when learning a skill?
Open situations are skills that can and will probably be changed and adapted to in the course of a game. These skills are predominantly perceptual and externally paced. For example, throwing a ball in baseball can be adapted into many other activities as well. Closed situations are the opposite of open. These skills are mainly isolated and are only specific towards one skill. For example, shooting a free throw.
Open and Closed situations

Learn to identify the various parts of a motor skill by Breaking down a skill into parts.

Example - long jump

Can be broken down to the following :
  1. Run up
  2. Foot plant
  3. Take off
  4. Flight
  5. Landing
  6. Mucking

For each part in this sequence an athlete will rely on certain cues to help them perform the task.

List all websites used to assist you by ensuring you use a link to the website. (Watch video to see what is meant by this)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pictures from the Maps

Click here for Pictures from Map A and B

Quarter 2 Learning intentions for Orienteering & Fitness


My Learning intentions for Fitness in this unit is to

1. Raise my level of fitness. Be able to do more without getting so tired, Increase stamina.
2.Learn Different Exercises and workouts that work specific parts of the body
3.Learn different workout techniques that will help maximize my efficiency and level of work.
4.Learn to integrate fitness into my lifestyle and not just in PE class.

Orienteering -

Our Learning intentions for Orienteering is to

1. Learn how to read a map so that I can use this skill later in life, such as when driving a car.
2.Learn the useful skill of navigation and apply it to life
3. Learn how to use gadgets such as google maps and google map maker
4. Be able to determine my location based on a clue.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2 minute exercise video

Just a short video on some of the different exercises that we do in PE class.

Monday, October 13, 2014


About me

My name is Caleb Ling. I am currently in 11th Grade at ICS. I enjoy playing many sports such as basketball, tennis, and volleyball. I am currently in the U20 Volleyball team and I have been in the Basketball team for the past 3 years. I don't really enjoy exercising but I enjoy playing sports. I enjoy many other things other than sports, including music,