Sunday, November 9, 2014

Quarter 2 Learning intentions for Orienteering & Fitness


My Learning intentions for Fitness in this unit is to

1. Raise my level of fitness. Be able to do more without getting so tired, Increase stamina.
2.Learn Different Exercises and workouts that work specific parts of the body
3.Learn different workout techniques that will help maximize my efficiency and level of work.
4.Learn to integrate fitness into my lifestyle and not just in PE class.

Orienteering -

Our Learning intentions for Orienteering is to

1. Learn how to read a map so that I can use this skill later in life, such as when driving a car.
2.Learn the useful skill of navigation and apply it to life
3. Learn how to use gadgets such as google maps and google map maker
4. Be able to determine my location based on a clue.

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